Monday, September 3, 2007

Sola Scriptura

Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation with the bold proclamation, "Sola Scriptura". It was a call to return to the Word of God as the sole authority in the life of the believer. A return to simple faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ on Calvary's cruel cross. It was an indictment against church traditions which had arisen to muddy the waters. Traditions which called on those who would be the New Testament people of God to follow the edicts of men. "Sola Scriptura!" Scripture alone.

Even today it would seem we haven't arrived at Sola Scriptura. It's just too easy to substitute man-made traditions in our lives. We like catechisms. We like to be told to "do something" to prove we belong to Him. Somehow it makes us feel more righteous. As if we've done something to earn the favor of God. But when we do that we are dangerously close to crossing the line into works-based religion. We become "law keepers". And of course, the problem with trying to earn favor with God by keeping laws and traditions is that we can never be quite good enough. We'll always fall short. Not for lack of effort. But simply because God's standard is perfection.

The problem with religious traditions (even in the church) is that we have many millions of people walking around thinking they are at peace with God because they've performed some ceremonial tradition. " I was baptized as a baby." "I've earned Sunday School ribbons for the past forty-two years. Never missed a Sunday." But they are not born again. They've never had that moment when they make a personal and conscientious decision to trust Jesus Christ for their eternal salvation. In that, much of the religious tradition found in the church today (as in Luther's day) is outright deception.

Here is a modern-day call to "Sola Scriptura!" Let's examine our lives and our religious practices to be sure we are rooted and grounded in the Word of God alone. Be bold enough to single out all that is not Scriptural and call it what it is: Empty religion. Get alone with God's Word. Leave all of the commentaries and catechisms, and the theological debate behind and delve into the Bible with the Holy Spirit as your guide and teacher. You might be amazed at the simplicity you find.

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