Monday, September 17, 2007

He's In It All

Yesterday was an unusual day. I woke up early in the pitch dark of a cool Minnesota morning. As I sat sipping coffee the typical morning activities of life on the farm slowly began. Sharon's mom beginning chores. Her dad reading the morning devotions for the family. In the distance, the sounds of the farm coming to life once more as the sun arose. There was the usual morning banter; "good mornings" all around. And laughter.
I had a sense that the Lord was there. Something about the stillness and the easy pace.

Then it was time for us to go. We had a plane to catch. (Having "a plane to catch" sounds so desperate, doesn't it?)

A few hours after arriving in Charlotte we took our usual place among the worshipers at Central Church. The choir sang with the fervency of a tent meeting revival. The crowd rose as one and clapped-out the beat of each song. Hands were raised and shouts of praise echoed around the sanctuary. I looked around and knew that the Lord was there, too.

It was at that moment that I realized: He is in both. One place quiet and almost reverently still. The other loud and boisterous. Yet He is there in both for the one who seeks Him.