Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Love of God

The God that we serve is all-powerful; He can do all things. He is omniscient, the all-knowing One. He is completely self-sufficient; He has need of nothing. Yet He desires our love and is not satisfied without it.

God has bound His heart to us. He has set His love upon us and has gone to incomprehensible lengths to win our love. He has given His only begotten Son to prove His love for us, to show us the way of love, and to open that way to us.

Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock..." Too often, we see a poor and haggard Savior, hat-in-hand, standing at the door begging for us to let Him in. That's not it at all.
He comes not lowly and beggarly, but in the radiance of God's love for us. He stands not as One who has need of anything, but as One who's great desire is to have the door opened to Him so that this incredible love might be shed abroad within.

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