Monday, September 10, 2007

Jesus Didn't Do Drive-Bys

We've all seen them in the movies or on television. Drive-by shootings. A car screams out of nowhere. Guns blazing. People are hit. Confusion reigns. And just as quickly as they came, they're gone. Leaving chaos in their wake.
Disturbing, isn't it?

That's also a picture of much of the evangelism done by churches and ministries today. I call it "Drive-by Evangelism." They come screaming into a community, or a prison firing away. Their modus operandi is to hit hard and fast. They're after big numbers. They call them "decisions for Christ". And just as fast as they come, they're gone. It's evangelism done at warp speed. "Get there, get 'em saved, and get gone." It's a poor substitute for the biblical variety.

Jesus didn't do drive-by evangelism. He involved Himself in the lives of those He ministered to. He saw their needs, and inquired about their hopes and dreams and ambitions. He had compassion on the multitudes. When the preaching ended He stayed and fed them - all five thousand of them. He wasn't in a hurry. And rather than leave behind confusion and half-baked decisions to follow Him, Jesus left people with the calm assurance that He is Messiah, their hope.

People call my office all the time wanting to do a drive-by. Oh, they don't think of it that way. But I do.
"I just want to come preach to those boys, chaplain." "Just let us come and do our program. We'll get 'em saved. Yessir! We've had nine million decisions for Christ so far this year."
My answer is always the same. "No thanks." But I do offer an alternative. How about coming to teach an inmate to read. Or to help them be better husbands and fathers. Or could you possibly help to provide soap and deodorant for those inmates who are in need? You'd be amazed at the responses I get. One actually told me I was "hindering the Spirit." He'd "heard from the Lord" and was "supposed to preach at Charlotte Correctional Center."

I used to think this kind of evangelism had it's place. After all, they were making decisions for Christ, right? But I've been where I am long enough to see the long-term results. It doesn't work. Many are left wounded, dazed, and looking for answers in the aftermath. So I don't have any use for drive-by evangelism anymore. But if you're interested, come on by. I'd like to introduce you to someone who needs a friend.

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