Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Never Give Up

How often do we give up just short of success? Actually, we'll never know, will we?
Here's a story of perseverence from the UK that ought to encourage all of us to keep on trying:

Jockey wins race after 28 years
A Dorset dairy farmer has ended his 28-year losing streak as an amateur jockey by finally winning a race.
Even Anthony Knott's children poked fun at his efforts but the 44-year-old proved them wrong by romping to victory in the 2.30 at Wincanton in Somerset.
After achieving his lifelong ambition riding Wise Men Say, he is planning to retire to concentrate on milking his cows in Sturminster Newton.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Has it Ever Occurred to You?

"One day it occurred to me that an infinitely wise God might possibly know more than I did."
~ R.A. Torrey

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hudson Isaiah Stover

Hudson Isaiah Stover
Born Friday, November 14 11:34am
8 lbs 3 oz
20 1/2 inches
Olivia has a baby brother ... and I've got a grandson!

Monday, November 10, 2008

I Found a Really Good Thing

I have a great wife.

I know. Most guys would probably say the same thing about their wives. Right? ...... Huh? .... Okay .... well.... maybe not.

But my wife is incredible. She always has been. And I'm incredibly proud of her. She was away this weekend helping our oldest daughter, Sheila, prepare for the birth of her second child. She cleaned, and cooked, and chased Olivia around for four days.
She didn't have to do that. But that's how she is. She's loving, and caring, and totally selfless. She's an incredible wife and mother. (I keep using the same word - incredible. But she is.) She's an awesome grandmother. She's a great friend and confidant. And she's the best gift God has ever given to me.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22: "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." I've found a really, R-E-A-L-L-Y good thing!

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Warning I'm Going to Heed

Sharon is out of town this weekend, leaving me to fend for myself. I decided to fix a frozen pizza for my dinner this evening. Checking the instructions, I found this:

I'm just wondering: Is that really a problem with this product? Have they had so many cases of people trying to ingest frozen pizzas that they have to include that warning in bold letters in the instructions?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Prayer I Might Have Prayed

A little boy was overheard praying:

"Lord, if You can't make me a good boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a real good time like I am."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Have a Problem

I have a problem. I've had it all my life.

My problem is that I'm totally insane about stuff. Not 'room-with-mattress-wallpaper-kind-of' insane. I just get crazy about things. I don't mean to. I definitely don't want to. But I can't seem to help myself.

When my football team loses, it makes me nuts. (And I'm a Buffalo Bills fan. You can imagine the insanity.) Hockey? Same thing. Politics? Makes me lose my mind.
By the same token, I'm obsessed with running my leaf blower, and raking and bagging leaves. I also get a bit irrational if the pantry runs low on certain items. Like today, I know we're down to our last can of diced tomatoes and I can't stand it. (Okay, I know that's just plain odd. I can't help it.) Again, I just get crazy about that kind of stuff.

Sharon says it's passion and that that's what she loves about me. I don't know, though. Of course, there is a good side to this. I'm also crazy passionate when it comes to preaching and teaching God's Word. When inmates say things like "I've never heard anyone preach quite like you do, chaplain. You've just got a way of telling us," I take it as a compliment. I hope it means I'm reaching them. I'll stand on my head for that. (You see. That's just not rational.)

Why can't I just let stuff go? Does it really matter if there are leaves on the lawn for a couple of days, or if our canned goods inventory is off this week?
Does anyone else have this problem?

Go ahead. Laugh if you want to. But think about your own life. What is it that makes you crazy?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Right Perspective on Election Day & Beyond

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God."
~ Romans 13:1

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
~ 1 Timothy 2:1-2

Monday, November 3, 2008

My Little Bit

God can do anything He wants to do. Of that I have no doubt.

What amazes me is that He chooses to work through us. Or that he chooses to use the litle bit we have to offer to do "God-sized" things in this world.

In John 6, Jesus fed a crowd of more than five thousand people with just a few fish and a couple of small loaves of bread. Those few loaves of bread and two small fish belonged to a young boy in the crowd. It was his sack lunch. I imagine his mother packed it for him that morning as most moms do - concerned that it provide him enough nutrition and wondering if he would trade what she packed for Twinkies and Ho-Ho's.
But instead of a trade, the little boy made his lunch an offering.

Had he held it back, it would have been enough to nourish him. He may have even had a little bit leftover to share. But somehow, word got to the disciples that this little fella had brought himself some lunch. They in turn told Jesus. And when he offered the little bit he had to the Lord, it became an all-you-can-eat feast for a multitude.

I may not have much to offer. In these difficult economic times, we may feel like we'd better hold on to the little bit we have. But that would be a mistake. God wants us to trust Him enough to give Him what little we have, let Him bless it and break it, and let it become a blessing to everyone around us.

Jesus could have started with nothing and had the same result. He could have spoken a word and created a McDonalds right there beside the Sea of Galilee. He could have made it rain manna like He had for Israel in the wilderness. But He didn't. Instead, a small boy made a small offering - And in Jesus' hands, it made all the difference.