Monday, November 10, 2008

I Found a Really Good Thing

I have a great wife.

I know. Most guys would probably say the same thing about their wives. Right? ...... Huh? .... Okay .... well.... maybe not.

But my wife is incredible. She always has been. And I'm incredibly proud of her. She was away this weekend helping our oldest daughter, Sheila, prepare for the birth of her second child. She cleaned, and cooked, and chased Olivia around for four days.
She didn't have to do that. But that's how she is. She's loving, and caring, and totally selfless. She's an incredible wife and mother. (I keep using the same word - incredible. But she is.) She's an awesome grandmother. She's a great friend and confidant. And she's the best gift God has ever given to me.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22: "He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." I've found a really, R-E-A-L-L-Y good thing!

1 comment:

momofthreegirls said...

You are very sweet to say those things, but in all actuality it was not a sacrifice but a privilege to help Sheila.