Wednesday, August 1, 2007

An Odd Thing to Say

Picture Jesus and His disciples in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. As they make their way from west to east, their expertise is evident. They were fishermen. They knew how to handle a boat, how to take advantage of prevailing winds, and how to read the currents. They were in their element.
As the disciples toiled, Jesus stood in their midst giving orders as any good leader would do. But I'm wondering what they must have been thinking as Jesus gave His commands. The Bible says (Mark 8:15):
And He was giving orders to them, saying, "Watch out! Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod."

What an odd thing to say in a boat. Not what any good sailor would expect to hear. Leaven? Seems like something you'd hear in a kitchen, not in a boat. Leaven of the Pharisees? The leaven of Herod? What was He talking about?

I think He was cautioning them about religion and politics. "The leaven of the Pharisees" was Jesus' warning to His disciples against empty religion. Don't get caught up in meaningless religious practices. Don't follow the Pharisees and their heartless observances. It's deadly.
By the same token, "the leaven of Herod" is a warning against the foolishness of politics. Don't waste your passion on the temporal things of man. Don't let earthly governance cloud your view of eternity. It's just as deadly.
Religion and politics will hinder you on your journey. Religion and politics will take the wind out of your sails, and set the currents against you. They may cause you to miss your destination.

So many today seem to be substituting religion and politics for relationship with Him. Many are just doing religious things. They endeavor to appease God with hollow observances.
Many others are striving for trivial political causes. They're more conservative than Christian. More right wing than righteous.

Our Lord's warning would seem to be as appropriate today as it ever was. Be wary as you journey on. Beware of those things that can so easily alter your course. For those of us who choose to traverse this life with Christ, religion and politics are still as harmful as they were two thousand years ago.

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