Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How Many Is Too Many?

I heard somewhere that there are now over 750 churches in Charlotte. And it seems that there are new ones popping up every week. Churches meeting in school auditoriums, and movie theaters, and shopping centers. We even have new churches meeting in exisiting churches when the exisiting churches aren't using their facilities. My question is: Why?

Are there that many different ways to "do church"? Do all of these new churches have something that other churches don't? Something so new and unique that we've just got to have another house of worship?
Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the body of Christ in Charlotte is working overtime to reach the reached.

1 comment:

jry422 said...

750? craziness man. hey, i got an idea... why don't you and i start a church together. a church with ALL the answers and newest/greatest ways of reaching charlotte...... yea right. HA. i agree with you 100%. reaching the reached is like spinning our tires. Let's reach the lost for Jesus Christ. rich & poor, privilaged and impoverished. let's get em all so we can go ahead and get up off this planet.
one more thing.... GO BILLS!
God bless - jason