Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thirty Days?

I was in Sam's Club yesterday and saw a book on sale called "Know the Bible in Thirty Days." I couldn't resist picking it up to thumb through it. Before I could even get to it two different people came by and grabbed copies to purchase. It must be striking a chord with people.

But it got me to thinking: Is it possible to know the Bible in just thirty days? I've been studying this Book of books for nearly thirty years. I spent five years earning a degree in Biblical Studies. Thirty days? Boy, do I feel like an real moron.

Written over the course of some 1800 years by more than forty different authors, the Bible describes itself using words like 'mystery' and 'hidden wisdom'. It is, in fact, revelatory. It is the revelation of God Himself as He chooses to make Himself known to men. It is authored by God Himself as He moved upon holy men to pen words which bare His very heart and mind. It is the embodiment of truth. Not the kind of post-modern, subjective truth in which our world has wrapped itself as it has conveniently learned to justify itself in all of it's ungodliness. Rather it is the eternal, unchanging truth of Almighty God.
I don't believe it was ever meant for any man to master it in thirty days.

But we would love that, wouldn't we? It fits our microwave, fast food mentality. We live in a convenience society where 'instant' is better. We've got oatmeal in our pantry that can be ready for breakfast in five minutes. But that's not good enough. So now we've got 'instant' oatmeal that can be ready in one minute.
We're surrounded by thirty day programs and seven step agendums. We want what's fast to be even faster. We want it convenient to fit our lifestyle.

Thirty days might be fine for losing twenty pounds or stopping a bad habit. Instant is okay for my breakfast. But the Word of God may take a bit longer.

1 comment:

Steve Wright said...

Your right my brother! "In the beginning God" can take a life time to understand. 30 days! Give me a break.