Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Still Kickin'

March 26, 2003.

Five years ago today I was diagnosed with cancer. That diagnosis was followed by surgery and five months of chemo. I've had a clean bill of health ever since.

That was a strange six months. In some ways it seems very recent. In others, it was a lifetime ago. Thinking back on it, it's almost as if it wasn't even my life. It's as if that was a whole different life. It's like I was just an observer detached from it all.

I know the Lord allowed me to go through all of that for a reason. But I don't know why. Maybe I never will. Maybe it wasn't about me at all. An inmate once told me that he thought my struggle during those months was for him and the other inmates to see.
My greatest fear is that He had something great to reveal to me, or something I was supposed to learn through it, and I missed it.

I can tell you this: Five years later, I'm still kicking. Maybe not as high as I used to, but still kicking nonetheless.

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