Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Me As a Mentor

I've recently been asked by a very close friend who is attending seminary locally to be his mentor. The school's degree programs require participation in 'mentored ministry' whereby the student is coached and counseled by someone in full-time ministry to gain insights not found in the classroom.
I've agreed to do it. I just wonder what, if anything, I have to offer.

I don't have a seminary degree. In fact, I was a high school drop-out. I earned a GED and only finished work on a Bachelor's degree a few years ago. I have no formal training. My ministry style? (That was one of the questions on the 'mentored ministry' forms I had to fill out - What is your ministry style?) I'm not sure what they're looking for there. I guess it's unorthodox, to say the least. I kind of just show up every day.

Scary, huh? This idea of me mentoring someone for future ministry strikes me as funny. God's sense of humor. I'm thinking there's a real possibility I could screw up this brother's whole ministry before it ever gets started. Maybe this 'Tom Burger-as-mentor-thing' should come with some kind of a warning label.

1 comment:

AnneDroid said...

Well, Tom, you wouldn't have been chosen and asked by your friend if he didn't think you were the best person for the job. Who's going to pick anything less than the best they can find for the important role of being their mentor?!!