Monday, March 17, 2008

Holy Week

Holy Week has always held much mystery and suspense in my mind. A simple reading of the gospel accounts of the week between Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and His resurrection invokes the full range of emotions. You can feel the excitement, and the tension, and the joy and anger, and the uncertainty and fear as they lingered over the city.

It was Passover. Scholars believe there may have been as many as 2 million people in and around Jerusalem to celebrate the feast. Many knew Jesus and believed. Others had heard the stories of miracles and powerful preaching. They were hungry for a deliverer, a modern-day Moses, and they desperately wanted to believe. But the religious leaders, because of their fear of Rome and their desire for power, wanted Him destroyed.
Thus the cries of 'Hosanna' as He entered the city turned to jeers of 'Crucify Him' just a few days later.

It all seems so surreal to me. And I'm reading it two thousand years later. Imagine having been there.
But it was all according to God's plan.

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