Friday, December 7, 2007

The Christmas Tree

Yesterday Sharon and I bought our Christmas tree.

Going to get the tree as a family used to be an annual production worthy of Oscar consideration. We'd bundle up the girls and head out to find the perfect Frazier Fur to adorn our season of celebration. Of course, with five people there were typically five differing opinions. I like a big tree. I mean B-I-G! Sharon usually went for the Charlie Brown variety. You remember? The spindly little tree that no one else wanted. Then there were the three girls all intent on finding the ideal centerpiece for our Christmas. And all having different ideas of just what we should look for in our tree.
For a number of years we went to cut our own tree. That meant trying to keep everyone together and focused as we trudged over acres and acres of trees of a variety of shapes and sizes. Once the perfect tree was located there was always the obligatory picture of the family standing around it as I prepared to cut it down. We'd smooth over any hurt feeling ("Why didn't we get that tree? Why does she always get to choose?") with hot chocolate while I tied our prize to the top of the car for the trip home. It was at least a half-day affair filled with a mix of enough comedy and drama to fill our whole year.

All of that is gone now. Fifteen minutes in Lowe's Garden Center and we were stuffing the tree in the back of the car.
I miss those old days.

1 comment:

momofthreegirls said...

Sorry it wasnt as much fun for you. I enjoyed the time but I do miss the days when it seemed like and event.