Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Redeeming the Time

Tim is an inmate at Charlotte Correctional Center whom I've gotten to know well over the past number of months. I baptized him just a few weeks ago. This morning he came by my office. By the grin on his face I knew something was up. He had something to show me. It was his high school diploma. At thirty-seven years old, having been kicked out of school as a teenager, and having failed and disappointed so many people so often, he is now a high school graduate. He is so proud. So am I. I've been encouraging him throughout his months here that he could do this. And he has worked hard.

Tim is a literal example of 'redeeming the time' as Paul admonished in Ephesians 5:16. It's so easy to give up; to listen to those who tell us that we'll never amount to anything. It's easy to believe the lie that we can't achieve our goals because our past will always hold us down. Many when they get to this place simply lay down and quit.
But Tim used his time of incarceration to accomplish something positive and overcome a major obstacle in his life. He began by trusting the Lord, and then he worked his butt off.
And the payoff? If you would have seen his face this morning, you'd know.

Is there a Tim in your life today? What could those around you accomplish with a little bit of faith and with your encouragement?

1 comment:

Emily Burger said...

great post.
see you friday!