Thursday, November 8, 2007


A woman was awakened in the middle of the night and noticed her husband was not in the bed beside her. She got out of bed and went downstairs where she found him sitting at the kitchen table crying. Concerned, she asked, "Honey, what's wrong? Why are you sitting here in the middle of the night crying?"
As he dried his tears, he asked her, "Do you remember that time when you were sixteen and your daddy caught us in the backseat of my car?"
"Yes, I remember, "she said.
"Do you remember what he said?"
"I think so, "came her reply.
"He said that I had to marry you or that he'd make sure I spent the next twenty years in prison."
Remembering it all clearly, she said, "But honey, I still don't understand why you're sitting here like this in the middle of the night."

Wiping his tears once again on his sleeve, he answered, "I would have gotten out today."