Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Purely Politcal Rant

Typically, I try not to go political on this forum. First, I don't want to lower the dialogue to that level. And politicians are such an easy target I could spend my whole life blogging about their stupidity. There are enough of those blogs out there already. But today I just can't help myself.

Robert Reich, former Clinton cabinet secretary and economic expert said the following recently on CNBC: "The middle class is - is spending too much in terms of taxes."

Spending too much in terms of taxes? What?!?

I don't remember going into the "Tax Store" at the mall and choosing to spend my money there. We can spend too much on clothes, or on fast food. We might even spend too much for a house or an automobile. But, if I understand the way this works, I don't 'spend' taxes. They are collected from me.

Spending too much in terms of taxes? For a supposed 'genius' that was a really stupid statement. But I think it exemplifies the total disconnect between our nation's policy makers and the rest of us.

1 comment:

Steve Wright said...

Now that is some funny stuff right there.