Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's Just the Way We Are

I've been wondering:

Why did the New England Patriots feel they had to cheat? They were recently caught video taping their opposition's coaches as they signaled in plays. It's a blatant violation of the rules.

Why did Marion Jones and her coaches find it necessary to cheat by using a banned steroid? After years of denials she has now admitted the truth and been stripped of her five Olympic medals.

The thing is: neither had to cheat. The Patriots are one of the best teams in football and have been for a number of seasons. They have the Super Bowl rings to prove it. And Marion Jones has been one of the premier track and field athletes of the past decade. She was at the top of her sport without performance-enhancing substances. So what's the deal?

The Bible says (Jeremiah 17:9): "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?"
As human beings, we cheat. Not necessarily because it gives us an advantage. It's more primal than that. We're bent toward wrong. It's what we do. It's just the way we are. It's why the wealthy cheat on their taxes and those of means steal what they can otherwise afford to purchase. We do wrong and oftentimes don't even understand why we're doing it.

To understand the depravity of man and the sinful state of all of humanity one need look no further these days than ESPN Sportscenter.

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