Monday, October 1, 2007

Be Happy

Two recently released studies indicate that men today are happier than women. This is a complete reversal from the results of an almost identical study performed in the 1960's. When asked why, it would appear that the expanded roles women play in the home and in our society are the cause. Women cited such things as career building, work place issues, family situations, and financial stresses for their comparable lack of happiness. In other words, women feel more weighted-down today by what Jesus characterized as "the cares of this life" than their male counterparts. I'm not quite sure what to read into these results. Perhaps it is time for men to step-up to their God-given responsibilities to be the leader of the home - to provide, protect, and pray for our families as God designed.

One woman's answer to how the "happiness gap" could be narrowed between men and women: "We need to find a way to make men unhappy like us."

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