Tuesday, October 28, 2008

There Are Thieves In the Prison

For years, we have made greeting cards for all occassions available in the chaplain's office for the inmates. They've been welcome to come and get cards anytime to send out to family and loved ones. We purchase the cards from a ministry in Missouri and keep a card rack filled - much like a Hallmark store. It's a great ministry tool: Many use "getting a card" as an opportunity to speak with me about all kinds of issues in their lives.

But lately we've had a problem. It began as a nuisance, but has become a real sore spot with me. Somebody is coming in and stealing all of the envelopes that go with the cards. So now we have hundreds of cards with no envelopes.
It has become such a problem that I have had to stop making cards available for the inmates. No more birthday cards for children. No more anniversary cards for wives. No more thank you's or thinking of you's.
I hate having to do that. I hope it's only temporary. It really is hurting me more that it hurts them. (Remember when your parents used to say that before they punished you?)

What baffles me about the whole thing is this: Why steal from someone who is willing to give you whatever you want? Is the mindset of prison 'gameplaying' and manipulation so deeply ingrained in some that they just can't recognize when they don't have to do that to get what they need?

Maybe you're thinking I'm being mean. It's only envelopes, right? Just paper. But there's a principle at stake here. These men are here in this place because of this same mindset. And soon (very soon for some) they'll be getting out of this place. I'm hoping maybe this will help someone to see that they don't have to steal - they just have to ask.

And as soon as I can figure out the solution to "the great envelope dilemma" here at Charlotte Correctional Center I'll make the cards available again.


Brooklyn said...

how frustrating...I bet God feels the same way about his sheep. We keep taking things, when really we should ask...or say thank you. Hmmm. By the way, I was thinking that in your "about me" paragraph, you should add Uncle. I'm pretty proud of that title of yours. Love you.

Tom Burger said...

Thanks, Jolyn! I love you, too and am very proud of you and all of the nieces and nephews. You're awesome!