Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've been MIA for the past few days. Not by choice. I've been in North Carolina Department of Correction meetings.

I hate meetings. I find most meeting are a complete waste of time. Meetings keep me away from doing what I'm called to do: Ministering to inmates. However, these meetings were worse than the run-of-the-mill waste of time kind of meetings. These were just plain foolishness. They were facilitated by people who sit in offices in Raleigh all day trying to figure out ways to spend taxpayers' hard earned money on nonsense. Most of them haven't ever worked inside of a prison facility. It shows.

A few times I just got to the point I couldn't stand the stupidity any longer. So I politely raised my hand and pointed out the foolishness of what was going on. They don't like that much. I'm afraid they may not have much of an opinion of Chaplain Burger this week.

I can't stand stupid and I hate bureaucracy. This week I've had my fill of both.

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