Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"Hey Lord, What About ...?"

"There are secrets the Lord your God has not revealed to us ...
~ Deuteronomy 29:29 (LB)

With these words, Moses in essence told the people of Israel, "God hasn't told us everything. There are things He has decided in His infinite wisdom we just don't need to know." Of course, Moses' point was simple: Don't worry about the things He hasn't revealed. Be sure to obey the things He has."

I realize that there is so much we just don't know; so many things that we may wonder about that aren't revealed in the Scriptures. I know people who have a problem with that. Human beings are inquistive. We want to know everything, don't we? And the things we don't know we wonder about.

I sometimes wonder why the grass is green and the sky is blue. Why not the other way around? Why can't we fly, or breath under water? Silly stuff, I know. But I wonder about many more serious things, too. Why do so many good, godly people suffer? Why is evil so pervasive in the world we live in? Why is nature permitted to wreak such havoc with earthquakes and storms and winds and waves?

Someday we'll know. In the mean time, I'm wondering what you may wonder about. Leave me a comment about things you wonder about. I guarantee you I won't have any answers, but I'd like to know what you're pondering. Then we can all wonder about it together.

1 comment:

momofthreegirls said...

I wonder about alot of things, mainly I get my thoughts jumbled when I think of how God is so big He can organize the meeting of two people to work out His will. We feel like it is chance, but God orchestrates it all. Think about that.