Thursday, May 29, 2008

I Really Mean It, Lord

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."
~ Psalm 19:14

These are the words we pray as a congregation as we conclude each church service. It's easy for such a practice to become rote; just a religious formality signifying that we're done. I've caught myself repeating those words with all the conviction of, "Have a nice day. See you later."

But lately it's been different. Those words seem to reverberate in my mind and heart throughout the week. Lately I pray those words with real sincerity; the way I'm sure David felt when he wrote them. I really do want the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be acceptable in the sight of God.
Unfortunately, all too often, by Tuesday my words and my thoughts fall far short of anything approaching acceptable. Why is it such a struggle to just think right and say the right things?

I wonder if David realized what an impossible standard he set when he penned those seemingly simple words.

1 comment:

dickiebo said...

I was so struck by this post, that I have re-produced it on my blog today. I do hope that you don't mind. Thank you.