Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Change Me, Lord!"

Watching the developing news coming out of Myanmar and China this week, it is difficult not to be deeply moved at the human suffering. But that's the condition I found myself in early in the week - unmoved, unaffected, emotionless, and even kind of matter-of-fact, like "Well, that's tragic, but that's how life is."
I wanted to hurt for those suffering so much, but it just wasn't there. Have I seen so much in the course of my life that I'm numb to the suffering of others? Or is it that it's just so far away from my day-to-day life that I am unfazed by it? I was bothered by my own ambivalence. So bothered that I asked the Lord to change me.

This morning, as I watched the news coverage and saw the images of the Chinese people amidst the devastation, and heard the people mourning husbands and wives and children, tears welled-up in my eyes. My heart hurt for them as the tears rolled down my cheeks and I began to pray for them with a fervency I haven't felt in a while.

I feel a little more whole today.

1 comment:

AnneDroid said...

I could relate to that honest account - thank you - I always get so much from visiting your blog.