Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Way?

I'm revisiting a subject that I've posted about in the past.

I saw a sign along the road the other day advertising a new church in Charlotte. There are currently somewhere around 750 churches in Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm not convinced that we need another one. But the sign said that this new church is "doing church in a brand new way."

I'm not sure what that means. The weekly gathering of the saints that we call church (a misnomer in itself) is supposed to be centered around the Lord Jesus Christ. The body of believers comes together to worship Him, to give Him the praise and glory due His Name, and for the preaching of His Word which helps to conform us to the image of Christ.
It's all about Him.

"Doing church a brand new way" would seem to intimate that coming together to worship and to hear His Word preached isn't quite good enough. People desiring church "in a brand new way" would seem to have an agenda different than worship and Word.

Could it be that "doing church in a brand new way" really means church centered around us rather than Him?

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