Monday, August 11, 2008


Life is crazy.

For the past few months we've had a house guest staying with us. His name is Larry. He is sixty-six years old and was released from prison in June after serving nearly twenty years. I've known Larry for a number of years and Sharon and I felt the Lord's leading to help, so we offered our home to him as he made the transition from prison to society.

Emily has been home from college since mid-May. It's always great to have her (and my other girls, too) around. It's just nice to spend time together with those we love, whether it's watching a movie, playing croquet in the yard, or just sitting around talking.

Last week, Sheila and Olivia were here for the week. Andrew was out of town, so our oldest daughter and our granddaughter came to spend a "mini vacation" at grammy and grampy's house. We all had a blast chasing Olivia from one thing to the next. She is constant motion and kept us quite busy, but very contented for the week.

Friday afternoon Sheila and Olivia left for home. Yesterday, we spent the day moving Emily back to Boone to begin her third year of college. And over the course of the weekend, Larry has signed a lease on his own place and moved out.

In a matter of just a few days, our house has gone from near controlled chaos to the quiet calm of just Sharon and I. It seems kind of weird right now. I'm sure I'll get used to it again in a day or two.

We spend a lot of time in this life adjusting to changes, don't we? They say change is inevitable, but most people don't like change. I'm just glad to know we have a God who is unchanging and unchangeable. The Bible says He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever."
I like that about Him today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done for your sacrificial kindness to Larry. I pray he "succeeds" in his new life.