Tuesday, August 19, 2008


As enamored as we are with all things Jesus, (and that's appropriate) we seem to be a bit selective in the things of Christ we choose to grab hold of. We like the big, the bold, and the beautiful. We love the miracles and the bold proclamations of righteousness and judgment. We delve into the lengthy discourses so impressively delivered, like the Sermon on the Mount.

But His very first recorded sermon is one easily (and perhaps intentionally) overlooked. "Repent, for the kingdom of heavern is at hand." (Matthew 4:17)
There's just not much said anymore about repentance. It's not very sexy to preach from our pulpits; just not much of a crowd-pleaser.

But if ever there was a day when we need to hear and heed the simple truth of our Savior's words, it's now. "Repent!"
As individuals, as believers and as a nation we desperately need a season of repentance.

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