Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Father Accountability

"Grandchildren are the crown of old men,
And the glory of sons is their father."
~ Proverbs 17:6

Last evening we began our eighth group of inmates over the past two and a half years in the Father Accountability Program at Charlotte Correctional Center. As we began with simple introductions and each of the fifteen participants shared why he opted to be part of the program, I was overwhelmed by what I was hearing. Over and over again the same words poured forth: "Chaplain, I honestly don't know how to be a father. I have kids, but I've never been much of a dad. I'm here to learn how."

That's music to a chaplain's ears. It's an answer to my prayers in the weeks leading up to the class. No one forced or coereced to be there. No self-proclaimed experts there to share their wisdom with the rest of us. No pretending everything is alright or that we've got it all together.
This group is ready to work over the coming thirteen weeks. They're off to a great start: Being honest about our own shortcomings is an important place to get to. They seem eager to learn. They're anxious to change and grow in their role as fathers.
It won't be easy. I plan to challenge them every week to step up to this awesome responsibility of fatherhood; to become what God intended for each of us to be: "The glory of (our) sons (and daughters, too)."
Pray for us.

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