Tuesday, April 1, 2008

An Inconvenient God

I saw an article in a local newspaper yesterday about a church in the area that has begun holding services on Saturdays at 5:21pm. They advertised this particular service like this:

"Late enough that you can enjoy a full day of activites, but still early enough that you can catch dinner and a movie afterwards."

The church is even nice enough to offer a concierge service in the lobby following the service that will happily make your dinner reservation or check the show times for movies you may want to see.

The article went on to say the church wants to "reach out to people of all ages who are immersed in a busy culture." One of the pastors said, "5:21 is our attempt to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to anyone who is not accustomed to going to church of Sunday or for whatever reason finds Sunday inconvenient."

I guess all of this is okay. I'm just wondering what happens when these people who are so immersed in a busy culture that worship needs to be made convenient find out that Chrisitanity according to Jesus comes with a cost.
He never offered convenience. He offered a cross for each of those who would follow Him to carry.

Should we really be promulgating the idea that God can be jammed in between "a full day of activites" and our plans for "dinner and a movie?"


Stephen Dodson said...

Great post. Reminds me of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's comments on Cheap Grace.

Sheila said...

That is really sad.

There is so much wrong with our idea of "church".

Steve Wright said...

Like I always say, "Salvation is free but discipleship will cost you something."