Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Few Days R&R

We've just returned from a few days at the beach - time to rest and re-charge the batteries a bit. Sheila, Andrew, and Olivia joined us. What a blast to have our new little granddaughter with us for a few days. Even at 4 weeks old she is smiling and developing quite a little personality.

Tomorrow it's back to reality. I'll be preaching (Sun. AM service) at the prison. My sermon notes are entitled, "Faith, Hope, Love, these three ..." Love, according to the Apostle Paul, is greater than both faith and hope. One day faith will become sight and hope will be fulfilled. But love has no end. It will never diminish. We'll see what the Lord wants to do with that but I'm hoping to see us begin to practice the love of God more and more amongst the body at Charlotte Correctional Center. It's His love that has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. I know it's in there. It's just a matter of getting it to come out.

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